Sand Waste Recovery
If you are involved in organizing equestrian events, then you may constantly be thinking about all of the different things that need to be planned in relation to each of the events in question. One thing that you will need to consider is the area where your horses will perform.
Firstly, you need to ensure that you have a high quality type of sand for them to perform on, as this will help to protect their hooves against damage which is something that is incredibly important if they will have to perform for an extended period of time.
Secondly, you will need to think about what happens to the sand at the end of the event. A sand waste recovery company is the best company to get in touch with to help you with this, as they would be able to make the most of any sand that might be left after your event. On the whole, there shouldn’t be a huge amount of waste, as they are able to take it and recycle it, turning it into other products that would be useful in many different ways. With this in mind, it is a great idea to give a company a call, to see whether they could be any help to your equestrian events company.
Waste management solutions
We provide a range of solutions, including the following:
Expert advice on the right equipment for you.
Access to the very latest products, such as the McCloskey B200 BIVITEC high g-force screener.
Plant research and design.
Trade in of a wide variety of recyclable materials around the globe, ranging from timber and cardboard to plastics and glass.