Bauxite Machinery
All businesses need to have some kind of plan when it comes to recycling, and schools are no different. In fact, when you consider the number of fizzy drinks that young people choose to drink, it is little wonder that bauxite machinery is in such high demand.
In order to encourage your young people to recycle in school, you should:
– Let them know how exactly they can get rid of the waste that they have leftover when they have finished their snacks. This might be a separate bin in the classroom that is sorted out later, or a recycling centre in the school hall.
– Give them a real reason to recycle. If you have some form of credit system then this is a good incentive, or perhaps give them a ticket to a raffle each time they put something in the container.
No matter how you encourage young people to recycle, when you think about the impact on the environment it is more than worth doing. If you need more information about bauxite machinery simply give us a call today and we would be happy to help you think about how you can change the way your school deals with recycling.
Waste management solutions
We provide a range of solutions, including the following:
Expert advice on the right equipment for you.
Access to the very latest products, such as the McCloskey B200 BIVITEC high g-force screener.
Plant research and design.
Trade in of a wide variety of recyclable materials around the globe, ranging from timber and cardboard to plastics and glass.