Dolomite Management
If you have never heard of dolomite then you’re probably not alone – however the fact is that the mineral has some useful jobs which means that dolomite management is an essential aspect of ensuring that it is safe and put to the best possible use.
The current uses of dolomite are:
– In the construction industry, mostly for making road bases or in concrete.
– Thanks to the fact that it reacts with acid, it can help to neutralize it, which means that it is useful in the science industry, to help make conditions safer for scientists at work.
– Along the same lines, dolomite can be used to condition soil thanks to the way that it reacts with acid, which is something that can be useful because it can react to improve the soil and therefore the production of crops.
These aren’t the only uses for dolomite, and there are other functions that it performs in relation to the deposits of zinc and copper, however the above uses are the main ones. Dolomite management is essential to ensuring that it is used in a safe and productive way, that is best for the needs of the user and the environment in which it is placed.
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