Fines Recycling
It is always important to recycle as much as you can, or you may be on the receiving end of fines recycling related. If you want to avoid this, then it is important to know what you should be recycling from your home.
– Green waste. This is almost anything that is produced in your garden, though your local council should be able to give you detailed information about exactly what you can and can’t recycle.
– Paper. This is both newspaper and writing paper. Although we don’t use as much paper thanks to technology, it is still an important thing to recycle.
– Bottles. Plastic bottles produce a huge amount of waste, but they can be recycled effectively by professionals. You can avoid a fine by separating yours out from your waste, and making sure that they are put out on collection day.
– Cardboard. You probably use more cardboard than you think, and this includes rolls for things like toilet/kitchen roll and wrapping paper. Put it out for collection, and avoid a fine.
If you need help or advice about fines recycling related, the internet is a great resource. Have a look at our website today to get all of the info that you need to keep yourself on the right side of the law.
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