Glass Waste Recovery
When you are dealing with glass waste, there are a lot of issues relating to safety, as glass can cause a lot of harm if it is not disposed of correctly. Glass waste recovery is an important market, as it means that glass can be recycled, which therefore results in a lesser need to produce more glass – and this will therefore save a lot of energy in the future.
The process of recycling glass is relatively straightforward. It has to be sorted into the different colours, before the impurities are removed in the recycled goods, and then the glass is melted and simply made into new products – such as the bottles and jars that you may buy every day from your local supermarket.
Taking into consideration the amount of glass that is used on a daily basis, it is understandable that we need to put more effort into disposing of our glass in the correct way by recycling rather than just throwing it away with the normal rubbish. A glass waste recovery company would be able to help you with this, as they have all of the knowledge that is needed to make sure that everything is done in a way that is safe and efficient.
Waste management solutions
We provide a range of solutions, including the following:
Expert advice on the right equipment for you.
Access to the very latest products, such as the McCloskey B200 BIVITEC high g-force screener.
Plant research and design.
Trade in of a wide variety of recyclable materials around the globe, ranging from timber and cardboard to plastics and glass.