Minerals Waste Recovery

A lot of the construction industry relies on recycled products being recovered and put to good use, and minerals waste recovery is a big part of this. If you have ever had any work done around your home that involves concrete, then you can be almost certain that it will have included some form of minerals that have been recycled in the past.

There are many benefits to recycling minerals, but by far the main one to think about is the fact that it prevents damage from being caused that may occur if minerals need to be extracted from the earth as new materials. The damage that is done when this happens cannot be reversed, and there is a huge risk to nature and particularly animal life when you consider the number of habitats that are destroyed by such measures.

If you are a part of the construction industry, then it is important that you think about the sources that you use to get the materials that you create concrete with – as a minerals waste recovery company would be able to provide materials that are much better for the environment than what you would otherwise have used. If all construction companies are responsible in this way, there will be a big improvement in the environment as a whole.

    Contact Us

    RG Recycling Group Ltd
    631 Warwick Road
    B91 1AR

    Email: info@rgrecyclinggroup.com
    Tel: +44 (0)121 709 5371


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    Waste management solutions

    We provide a range of solutions, including the following:


    Expert advice on the right equipment for you.


    Access to the very latest products, such as the McCloskey B200 BIVITEC high g-force screener.


    Plant research and design.


    Trade in of a wide variety of recyclable materials around the globe, ranging from timber and cardboard to plastics and glass.

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